Mafia 3 Underboss Guide (2024)

Mafia 3 features three underbosses who can help you seize and maintain control of businesses, rackets, and Lincoln’s criminal empire. In addition, each Mafia 3 underboss brings his/her set of bonuses. As you progress through the game, you will recruit three gangsters as your lieutenants and their crewmembers during your journey. These underbosses include Cassandra, Thomas Burke, and Vito Scaletta.

Managing underbosses is a two-way street; you must complete side missions for your lieutenants to keep them happy. Failure to do so will result in one or more of them turning against you. This guide has detailed everything you need to know about all three lieutenants.

Mafia 3 – Cassandra Underboss

Mafia 3 Underboss Guide (1)

Cassandra is the leader of the Haitian Mob in New Bordeaux. She operates out of a voodoo shop located in Delray Hollow. Known as the Voodoo Queen, her associates include Jennifer Moran, who can disrupt phone lines for a brief duration of time. Jackie DuVernay operates a mobile weapons store that deals in weapons, supplies, modifications, and ammo, and Clifton Jean-Baptiste, an arms dealer who upgrades weapons.

Perks / Favors:

With Cassandra, you can earn the following upgrades as you assign her Rackets through her associates and increase her income by completing her missions:

Perk TreeAssociateRequired IncomeUpgrade
Arms DealerJackie DuVernay$0Unlocks Basic arms dealer
Arms DealerJackie DuVernay$30,000Grants you the Screaming Zemi distraction device
GunsmithClifton Jean-Baptiste$60,000Gives you Improved accuracy for your guns
OperatorJennifer Moran$100,000Lets you disrupt phones for 2 minutes
GunsmithClifton Jean-Baptiste$140,000Increases your ammo capacity
Arms DealerJackie DuVernay$180,000Grants you the smoke version of the Screaming Zemi
GunsmithClifton Jean-Baptiste$220,000Improves the stability of your guns
OperatorJennifer Moran$270,000Lets you Disrupt phones for 5 minutes
Arms DealerJackie DuVernay$320,000Grants you the exploding variant of the Screaming Zemi
GunsmithClifton Jean-Baptiste$370,000Lets you reload your weapons faster
OperatorJennifer Moran$240,000Disrupt phones indefinitely and automatically call for backup

Cassandra’s Missions in Mafia 3

These are the missions that involve Cassandra in Mafia 3

Main MissionsSide Missions
The Home Fires Burn.45 in My Hand
The Way of FlashAre We Cool
Pray on the Way Up
Sit Down

If you fail to garner Cassandra’s loyalty, she will turn against you and you’ll have to put her down in her betrayal mission called “Caroline”. Low loyalty is usually a product of not assigning your underboss enough districts or not completing their missions.

Thomas Burke Underboss

Mafia 3 Underboss Guide (2)

Thomas Burke is the leader of the Irish Mob in New Bordeaux. He operates out of Burke’s Iron & Metal in Point Verdun. Burke’s crew in Mafia 3 includes Terry Daly, who can be best described as an explosives expert. You can count on Daly to provide military-grade explosives to the Arms Dealer, Fiona Davidson, whom you can count on to bribe cops off, and Hank McGahee, an expert in vehicular theft. You can ask Hank to deliver vehicles to you, no matter where you are in the city.

Perks / Favors:

With Thomas Burke, you can earn the following upgrades/perks through his associates as you assign him Rackets and increase his income by completing her missions:

Perk TreeAssociateRequired IncomeUpgrade
Vehicle DeliveryHank McGahee$0Vehicles are delivered to you
Police DispatcherFiona Davidson$30,000Cops ignore your crimes for 30 seconds
Police DispatcherFiona Davidson$60,000Marks nearby cops on your minimap
IRA BomberTerry Daly$100,000Terry Daly starts selling you equipment
Police DispatcherFiona Davidson$140,000Cops ignore your crimes for 2 minutes
Vehicle DeliveryHank McGahee$180,000You can steal cars without being detected
Police DispatcherFiona Davidson$220,000Cops ignore your crimes for 2 minutes
IRA BomberTerry Daly$270,000Increases your carrying capacity
Police DispatcherFiona Davidson$320,000Cops ignore your crimes for 5 minutes
Vehicle DeliveryHank McGahee$370,000You can steal occupied cars without being detected
Police DispatcherFiona Davidson$240,000Cops ignore your crimes for 10 minutes

Burke’s Missions in Mafia 3

These are the missions that involve Burke in Mafia 3

Main MissionsSide Missions
The Home Fires BurnI.R.A. Don’t Ask
The Blade Stained Red
Brave New World
Sit Down

Burke’s betrayal mission is called “Look in the Mirror,” and, like Cassandra, it triggers if you fail to win his loyalty or let it slip too far down.

Vito Scaletta Underboss

Mafia 3 Underboss Guide (3)

As the leader of the Italian Gang, Vito runs the River Row district of New Bordeaux. You can rely on Vito for muscle, medical upgrades, and more. Vito’s crew in Mafia 3 includes Bobby Navarro, who can provide you with Italian muscle for hire in the form of his lunatic brothers, Gianni Bruno, a medical specialist, and Betty Johnson, who provides enemy locations and collects Kickback on your behalf.

Perks / Favors:

With Thomas Burke, you can earn the following upgrades/perks through his associates as you assign him Rackets and increase his income by completing her missions:

Perk TreeAssociateRequired IncomeUpgrade
ConsigliereBetty Johnson$0Allows you to stash your cash on the go
Hit SquadBobby Navarro$30,000Lets you call in backup
Mob DoctorGianni Bruno$60,000Adds an additional health bar
Mob DoctorGianni Bruno$100,000Adds an additional adrenaline shot
ConsigliereBetty Johnson$140,000Lets you locate money and automatically collects kickback
Mob DoctorGianni Bruno$180,000Improves your stamina and health recovery rate
Hit SquadBobby Navarro$220,000Lets you call in stronger backup
Mob DoctorGianni Bruno$270,000Adds an additional health bar
Mob DoctorGianni Bruno$320,000Further improves your stamina and health recovery rate
Hit SquadBobby Navarro$370,000Lets you call in a four-man crew
Mob DoctorGianni Bruno$240,000Maxes out your health bar

Vito’s Missions in Mafia 3

These are the missions that involve Vito Scaletta in Mafia 3

Main MissionsSide Missions
The Home Fires BurnI Need a Favor
Work the Man Who BleedsSeems Simple Enough
Fish Gotta Eat
Sit Down

Similar to the previous two Underbosses, if you fail to build Vito’s loyalty, you’ll eventually have to take him out on a mission called “I Deserved Better”.

Best Districts to Assign to Each Underboss in Mafia 3

As mentioned earlier, as you progress through the game and take over rackets, you must assign them to one of your lieutenants. Doing so will allow you to increase that underboss’s earnings and unlock new upgrades and favors.

After taking control of all available rackets in a district and eliminating the Marcano lieutenant overlooking them, you can assign one of your lieutenants to look after everything. As mentioned earlier, you must keep all your lieutenants happy to eliminate the chances of them turning against you.

To ensure this, try to distribute districts evenly. By doing so, you will not be able to enjoy the end-tier bonuses of an underboss, but you will most definitely unlock the ‘We’re in This Together’ Trophy/Achievement. Alternatively, you can boost one of your lieutenants while ignoring the other two until the end of the game to unlock the ‘Just You and Me’ Trophy/Achievement.

The following is the best way of assigning districts to your Mafia 3 underbosses:

  • Vito Scaletta: Frisco Fields, Downtown, and River Row
  • Cassandra: Southdowns, Barclay Mills, and Delray Hollow
  • Thomas Burke: French Ward, Tickfaw Harbor, and Pointe Verdun

This distribution style is because Vito gets the more traditional ‘mob-ish’ places, Burke gets more shabby places, and Cassandra gets the rest.

How To Keep All Underbosses Alive?

This is dependent on how you manage your underbosses and what districts you assign them in the game. If you assign an underboss to a district that they aren’t best suited to, then it can create problems and they may end up leaving you. Worse still, they can also die. To avoid that, you must assign them to districts they are best suited to which we have covered earlier.

Assign a Minimum of 2 Districts to avoid any Negative Outcome. Additionally, DO NOT reassign a district to some one else as the underbosses may end up leaving you

Mafia 3 Underboss Endings

Your underbosses can become a part of the ending depending on what decisions you make in the game. They end up taking over the mafia business if Lincoln chooses to leave after the game ends. Then, the underboss with the most territory is left in charge of the city and takes over. Here are the endings you can get in that regard.

  • Vito: After Lincoln leaves, Vito ends up taking over the criminal business in New Bordeaux. He goes as far as to legitimize many of the operations and complete the Marcano’s hotel/casino, where he chooses to remain.
  • Burke: With Clay out of the picture, the Irish take over as the crime lords of New Bordeaux. They rename the place to Bourbon City as Burke gets a place on the city council. Unfortunately, he’s assassinated as part of the gang wars in 1984.
  • Cassandra: Cassandra starts out with a shaky start but ends up quickly finding her bearings, successfully defending operations from rivals and even the government. The federal government as a result cuts funding to the city as a response for the assassination of the Louisianna governor which she is implied to have a part in.
Mafia 3 Underboss Guide (2024)


How to keep one underboss alive in Mafia 3? ›

You do this by alienating underbosses by not assigning them districts and by not doing their optional side missions. Plan in advance. Decide whom you want to keep alive. Assign all the districts to the underboss who is to be kept alive.

What are the best districts to give in Mafia 3? ›

So, the most valuable ones are French Ward, Frisco Fields, and South Downs. Even assuming one of those goes to Burke or Cassandra by default, giving Vito two of those will make him top dog.

How do you make all the underbosses loyal in Mafia 3? ›

Each underboss has an agenda mission that must be completed to gain their loyalty. These missions come in five parts that will only unlock by assigning them additional districts. A minimum of three districts will be needed to unlock all five parts of any underboss's agenda mission.

Can you reassign districts in Mafia 3? ›

No you cannot reassign a district. Make sure you get it right the first time as theres no going back.

What happens if you leave New Bordeaux in Mafia 3? ›

If Lincoln leaves New Bordeaux and Cassandra assumes control of the city, there wasn't a crime boss from Boston to Miami who respected her claim. As a result, the Commission, the Columbians, and the Cubans all went after her. They realized too late that they had no idea who they were fighting.

Is there multiple endings in Mafia 3? ›

There are a couple of possibilities. Lincoln can kill his lieutenants and rule alone, after which Father James puts a bomb under his car or he can rule together with them. Or, if you want, you can leave town, and leave your most powerful lieutenant in charge. 5 different endings, but no one is sure which.

Are there cheat codes for Mafia III? ›

Are there cheats in Mafia 3? No, not in the traditional sense anyway, but there are a few hacks and tricks to help you get by in New Bordeaux.

Can you take over the Bayou in Mafia 3? ›

No. Does the bayou eventually become a district to take over?

Do choices matter in Mafia 3? ›

Mafia 3. Mafia 3 isn't a game loaded with different choices. Yet, there are a set of key ones relating to your underbosses. Your underbosses are your closest allies in your crusade to take over the city of New Bordeaux and get revenge on those who wronged you.

Can you unlock all favors in Mafia 3? ›

Maximizing Favors

This will give you access to all three sets quickly. You can also obtain all three favors in any set by giving each racket to a different underboss, then giving the district to the third at the sitdown.

Do you need every fuse in Mafia 3? ›

There are 556 fuses spread throughout New Bordeaux and Sinclair Parish, counting the eight given to Lincoln. 276 of them will be needed to wiretap all junction boxes, leaving 280 extra. Even when the area is wiretapped, there are five fuses that do not show on the map until you're right by them.

How do you get big earner in Mafia 3? ›

In order to Unlock this achievement you must increase the earn of at least One Underboss to 500k so that you receive kickback of $10k.

Can you get pulled over in Mafia 3? ›

In previous Mafia games you would get stopped for speeding or running red lights and they'd give you a ticket and you'd have to pay a fine. You could surrender to police and then either allow yourself to be arrested or just pay a bribe. Now you can speed, run red lights, ignore traffic laws as much as you want.

Can you miss collectibles in Mafia 3? ›

There is only one collectible in the game that's missable, and it's at the very end of the game. There's a vargas painting you can miss in the very last mission that you wouldn't be able to get back into the room to get it later.

How many underbosses can a Mafia have? ›

A family may have two underbosses. An example of this was boss Carlo Gambino, who had Paul "Big Paul" Castellano and Aniello "Mr. Neil" Dellacroce as underboss at the same time. However, one underboss is far more common.

Do enemies Respawn in Mafia 3? ›

Enemies will respawn almost immediately if the area is left before the objective is completed. Even straying too far away while exploring an area for nearby collectibles or other items may trigger a previously cleared area to repopulate with new enemies.

How do you stop Bonnie in Mafia 3? ›

  1. Climb up to the tower and a lightning strike will knock Lincoln down. Bonnie will jump from the side and attack Lincoln with a ceremonial knife. You must use the counter attack button to fight her off.
  2. Afterward, a series of cutscenes will play, ending the main storyline of Sign of the Times.


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