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April 2024 Babies
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Ok FTM here needing non-first advice—
I recognize I am very lucky to have many lovely, well-meaning people that gifted us many swaddles and burp cloths and what feels like way too many clothes. As someone who tries to be minimalist, I’m feeling overwhelmed, guilty, and wondering if I should swap out some for more practical items, maybe exchange for more wipes which I know I’ll need more of, for example.
How many of these things have you found to be too many?
Current # swaddle/muslin blankets: 5
Current # burp cloths: 15
I don’t even want to even calculate the numbers for the clothes at the moment bc of anxiety, and also am trying not come across ungrateful, I understand what privilege I have here to have such a support network.
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I have that many and they came in very handy!!
I also secretly love blankets lol
But I like having a swaddle blanket in:
Her room
My room
The diaper bag
The living room
And extras when those get dirty.
My 2 year old also still uses the swaddle blankets at daycare for his blanket.
I also used them for nursing covers.
Same thing with burp cloths.
I went through 5-7 a day with spit up. But of course that depends on your baby.
I also used them for myself when I was leaking.
So I have them stashed in:
Our room
Living room tub
Diaper bag
Her nursery
They come in handy for lots of things, even when a little older and starting to eat solids.
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Honestly that might be a good amount of burp clothes, especially if you have a baby who spits up a lot. I went through so many burp clothes the first couple of months. As for swaddles, you could do with less but 5 is also a good amount.
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I agree with previous comments I don't think we could have enough Burp clothes we went through them like crazy with our first
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You may not need that many blankets…we didn’t use them to swaddle our first much at all, a couple can be handy for tummy time, keeping baby covered if needed, etc.
Like others have said, I would absolutely hang on to the burp clothes! We used them constantly with our first. Baby’s are messy people, it’s nice to have a multiple dedicated cloths to use to clean them with ��
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I'm about to have my fourth and that's about what I have. I would consider myself pretty minimalist. It will be helpful to have that many in the beginning because they spit up so much in the beginning.
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I agree with a lot of the other comments. I kept one swaddle in the diaper bag and car just in case so really rotating between 3 for you isn’t bad. Especially because you may get a blow out or get spit up on it, who knows. With burp cloths, I also used some when I was leaking, my son had silent reflux so burp cloths were used often! Also, not having to do laundry 2-3x a week just for baby is huge. Don’t feel guilty. You can always store some things away in vacuum seal bags because they take up less space if needed as well
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You could also use swaddle blankets as burp clothes or for swaddle baths so they don’t get cold while bathing!
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I used SOOOOO many swaddles, and the burp cloths are great for cleaning up messes. As a STM you can never have enough of both.
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That’s a good number to have. We got so many blankets/swaddles with our first and a few more with this baby. But, they’ve been useful for lots of things from floor play to hanging over curtains for extra darkness to nursing covers to being draped over sofas and chairs in case I get cold breastfeeding/being up with baby or toddler (the last being more for handmade blankets than swaddles/muslin blankets). As far as burp cloths, some babies don’t spit up a lot, but ours sure do. We started out with about a dozen and quickly ordered a dozen more because we were using so many. Plus, you’ll have a good amount of clean ones when the dirty ones are in the laundry. Remember that it’s also helpful to have these items in multiple places - home (possibly multiple rooms), car, diaper bag, stroller, etc. I know it seems like a lot now, but it might feel like a good amount or even not enough once baby is here.
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I don’t think that’s a lot at all. You will go through alot per day because baby’s vomit after feed and sometimes their poop is explosive and gets all their clothes and swaddles dirty. Extra swaddles and burp cloths also come in handy because it means you have breaks between needing to wash and dry everything
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