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OpenAI (opens in a new tab)Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (opens in a new tab)Generative Pre-trained Transformer (opens in a new tab)Natural Language Processing (opens in a new tab)Artificial Intelligence (opens in a new tab)
11 Citations
- Putri Ariatna AliaJohan Suryo PrayogoRony KriswibowoAgung Teguh Setyadi
- 2024
Computer Science
Advance Sustainable Science, Engineering and…
In the research there is an integration processbetween Chattgpt and Whattsapp, by entering the API (Application Programming Interface) keyChattgpt into Whattsapp with the help of javascript programming language, so that the artificialintelligence system using ChattGPT can be implemented on whattapp.
- Heppy LeunardR. RachmawatiBenny Novico ZaniKailie Maharjan
- 2023
Computer Science, Education
Journal International of Lingua and Technology
The results of this study explain that the use of Char GPT in learning Arabic in tertiary institutions gets a positive response from students such as increasing students' reading skills, increasing motivation in learning, increasing enthusiasm for learning, and making it easier to complete assignments.
- 6
- Niken Aisyah Maharani HerwanzaNazruddin Safaat HarahapFebi YantoFitri Insani
- 2024
Computer Science
JTIM : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Multimedia
This research contributes to laypersons wanting to learn Hadiths by utilizing the chatbot as an interactive and innovative learning medium and can expand the focus to complex interpretations of Musykil al-Hadith and asbab al-wurud to address deeper questions about Hadith interpretation.
- Million TomasVilleda ThomasChasson Luciani
- 2023
Education, Computer Science
Journal International of Lingua and Technology
The results of this study aim to help students and teachers to be able to apply the Google Meet application to the Arabic language learning process at school and can motivate students in using the application.
- Sahirin AgilAmina IntesGuilin Xie
- 2023
Education, Computer Science
Journal International of Lingua and Technology
It can be seen that the use of learning media games for students can be applied in the learning process and for further researchers can use this learning media in Arabic subjects.
- Anwar NadaAlkadr Ajwan
- 2023
Journal International of Lingua and Technology
This study aimed to identify the types of modal auxiliaries and the meanings of modal auxiliaries in the novel The Lord of Flies by William Golding. This study uses mixed methods. First, this study…
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- Utzinger MoralesSchittny JoananHirsiger Julia
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Education, Computer Science
Journal International of Lingua and Technology
The researcher concluded that the Flip PDF Proffessional-based E-book for students developed was able to increase students' interest in learning and learning independence.
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- Fenny IndriastutiAbdul SahibRini Nuraini
- 2023
Computer Science, Education
al-fikrah: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
The resulting adaptive model is able to bring operational efficiency, enabling educational institutions to be more responsive to student needs and environmental dynamics, and overall, provides a strong foundation to address the complex dynamics of the world of higher education.
- Rachmat HidayatNurliah Nurliah
- 2023
Journal International of Lingua and Technology
"Pelukku Untuk Pelikmu" is a musical work from a musician and book writer, Fiersa Besari. It was released as the soundtrack of the movie "Imperfect: Career, Love, & Scales" in 2019. Carrying the…
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- Prabowo Budi UtomoDona WahyudiAdimas Ketut Nalendra
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Generation Journal
Keterbatasan mendapatkan informasi yang dialami penyandang disabilitas menjadikan mereka kurang update terhadap perkembangan yang terjadi sehingga secara tidak langsung mendorong berbagai upaya untuk…
25 References
- M. MuliyonoS. Sumijan
- 2021
Computer Science, Education
Jurnal Informatika Ekonomi Bisnis
The results of this test have been able to respond to the questions asked by students and can make it easier for students to get information with a very good level of accuracy.
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- Y. WijayaFransiskus Zoromi RahmaddeniStmik Amik InformaticPekanbaru Indonesia Riau
- 2020
Computer Science, Education
JAIA - Journal of Artificial Intelligence and…
The results of the study stated that the chatbot system that was built was able to answer questions posed by prospective students properly and correctly while the questions were available in the chat bot knowledge base.
- Aidan GilsonC. Safranek David Chartash
- 2023
Medicine, Computer Science
JMIR medical education
The performance of ChatGPT on questions within the scope of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Step 1 and Step 2 exams is evaluated to analyze responses for user interpretability and highlight ChatGPT’s capacity to provide logic and informational context across the majority of answers.
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- Agusta Rakhmat TaufaniHarits Ar Rosyid
- 2019
Computer Science
Jurnal RESTI (Rekayasa Sistem dan Teknologi…
With the help of artificial intelligence, it is expected that the system can assist in the decision making of guitar technicians in the process of making guitar repair decisions based on the symptoms that occur.
- Chaulina Alfianti Oktavia
- 2020
Computer Science
Customer service merupakan salah satu pendukung terpenting dalam proses bisnis akan dengan mudah mendapatkan pelayanan mengenai informasi produk yang dibutuhkan sistem layanan yang cepat dan tanggap dalam memberikan respon kepada konsumen.
- 12
- Nanik TriwahyuniSamuel Beta
- 2022
Computer Science, Business
This study designed an internet-based mobile text information system using the ESP32 Microcontroller and the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol, as well as a display board (DMD LED Panel P10).
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- Angga Dwi Mulyanto
- 2020
Bot telegram dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media informasi penelitian. Pada artikel ini kami mencoba melakukan pengembangan media informasi penelitian menggunakan bot telegram untuk LP2M UIN Maulana…
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- Dhawuh RahayuMukrodin MukrodinRito Cipta Sigitta Hariyono
- 2020
Computer Science
Smart Comp :Jurnalnya Orang Pintar Komputer
Perkembangan teknologi informasi berbasis komputer yang sangat cepat telah membuat banyak perubahan dalam sendi kehidupan manusia dalam aspek pariwisata yang ada di Desa Karangbenda.
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- G. GuntoroLoneli CostanerLisnawita Lisnawita
- 2020
Digital Zone: Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan…
Saat ini sebagian besar universitas menggunakan sistem informasi web untuk menyampaikan informasi terkait informasi pendaftaran mahasiswa, akademik, beasiswa, biaya pendidikan dan lain-lain. Dalam…
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- P. ElisabetNilaS.C.Irawan Afrianto
- 2015
Informasi adalah bagian penting dalamkehidupan sehari-hari, dimana informasi tersebutdiharapkan bisa didapat dengan lebih cepat.Penyampaian informasi diharapkan lebih akurat danjelas. Berdasarkan…
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